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When your order is complete you will get files in wav 16 bit 44.1 khz format. The files' names contain indications, which help you to identify what kind of file it is and for what purpose it can be used. There can be several indications in one file name. The following indications are used:


Take - one of the record variants. Variants can be performed in different styles and / or with a different reading speed. Each variant is recorded separately and not a copy of another one. Usually each record variant has its own number ( for example: "take_1", "take_2").


Raw - voice record without any processing. Using this file you can do voice processing on your own or handle it over to your sound engineer. Make sure it is not used as a final version in your project. And is essential for further processing only.


Processing - processed raw-file. Processing includes compression, equalisation, limitation. There are no special effects in this file. You can use it without further processing.


Sync - voice sync with video/audio/timecodes. Voice timing conforms to the timecodes of your material. You'll need to insert this file in your project at the start of the time line.


Preview - video example of the synchronization. This video is not of a high quality and delivered as an example. So you can see the quality of voice synchronization.